AI & Machine Learning- category -
はじめに|音声合成技術が切り拓く新時代 私たちは今、音声合成技術の黄金時代に生きています。スマートフォンの音声アシスタントから、カーナビゲーションシステム、さらにはスマートホームデバイスまで、音声合成技術は私たちの日常生活に深く浸透してい... -
Supply Chain Revolution|Future Business Strategies Pioneered by AI and Automation
サプライチェーン管理は、ビジネスの成否を左右する重要な要素です。AIと自動化技術の進歩により、サプライチェーンの効率化と最適化が進んでいます。本記事では、最新テクノロジーがどのようにサプライチェーンを変革し、企業の競争力を高めているのか、... -
Artificial Consciousness and Self-aware AI|The Dawn of a New Era to Transform Future Society
With the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI), "artificial consciousness," once only spoken of in the world of science fiction, is becoming a reality. In this article, we dig deep into the latest technological trends, philosophical issues, and social implications of the realization of artificial consciousness, with specific examples and data... -
The Age of AI Art|Future Art and Expression Envisioned by Generative AI | The World of Art
The era of AI art has arrived! This article explores the art and expression of the future as envisioned by generative AI and delves deeper into the possibilities for artists and technology. The Evolution of AI Art|From Computers to Deep Learning The Historical Transition of AI Art AI art originated in the 1960s at the beginning... -
Explaining the Difference between Deep Learning and Neural Networks | Fundamentals of AI and Machine Learning
Neural networks and deep learning are the cornerstone of modern AI technology and are used in many fields. This section explains how these two technologies differ and how they are related. What is Deep Learning? Basic Concepts of Deep Learning Dee... -
AI's Version of the "Manhattan Project" Proposal and Competition with China|Latest News and Investment Importance
In its annual report released on November 19, 2024, the U.S.-China Economic and Security Study Commission recommended the launch of an AI version of the Manhattan Project in order to compete with China. This plan is a national-scale project comparable to the Manhattan Project, which promoted the development of the atomic bomb during World War II.... -
AI Ethics and Bias|Seven Proposals for the Future Society
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and its deep penetration into our daily lives, the issue of AI ethics and bias has emerged as a pressing issue. This article takes an in-depth look at the ethical challenges and bias issues posed by AI technology and offers seven key recommendations for a future society. AI... -
The Astounding Evolution of Natural Language Processing (NLP)|The Future of AI's Understanding of Language
Introduction: The Dawn of the Age of AI Manipulating Language We now stand on the threshold of an age in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) will understand and manipulate human language. Rapid advances in natural language processing (NLP) technology are transforming computers from mere computing machines into entities that interact with us, understand us, and create... -
AI will change the future of work|How to overcome the crisis of unemployment and new career opportunities?
The rapid evolution of AI is fundamentally changing the way we work and the nature of our professions. According to a report by McKinsey & Company, up to 800 million people could lose their jobs by 2030, while more than 500 million new occupations are expected to be created. This play... -
The Future of AI: Doomed? Or a Golden Age for Mankind?
AI Doomsayers vs. Technology Proponents, Where the Conflict Lies AI (artificial intelligence) is a revolutionary technology that is shaking the very foundations of our lives and society. But the debate over this technology is split down the middle, with technology proponents agreeing with the hope that AI will bring, and...